The Power of the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer: the prayer said at weddings, funerals, Mass, Protestant services. Ask anyone the significance of the Lord’s Prayer and you’re likely to get a blank stare with the answer, “I don’t know. I just say it.”

The Lord’s Prayer does have purpose. It is much more than a model to follow or a simple phrase to repeat; but sadly, it’s been reduced to a religious tradition. This prayer goes beyond the walls of tradition; it is a prayer that reveals Who our Father is and what He does.

And Who is our Father? Our Father is a “daddy.” Our Father is One Who loves, gives counsel, shares and imparts His wisdom to His children; Our Father is One Who disciplines, cares and provides. Our Father will insure that His children will have what they need in their time of need. Our Father will see His children through difficult times when they cannot see a way out. Our Father will usher in peace and restore order to a heart that is troubled.


"The Lord chooses whom He chooses to accomplish whatever work needs to be done regardless of how insignificant they may feel. He is looking for people who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and be obedient to His call regardless of the impossible." "...The purpose of the fire is to drive out what is unrighteous. The carnal way of thinking will be burnt up but you won’t; but as long as you refuse to change, you’ll be held to that fire until you decide to let go what is flammable." "Having a sound mind also means you have self-control. When God’s power and love is absent in someone’s life, so is self-control. Put power and love together and you have self-control."